Comicon highlight #4: Seeing Drew Struzan finally get recognized as a pivotal icon in the entertainment art community! I know I have mentioned this in numerous blogs, but Drew has been my life-long all time favorite artist. He announced his retirement last year, after a once too often struggle with the studios wielding Photoshop as a weapon against traditional art, and people seem to have finally stopped taking for granted the amazing images he has given us for decades.
Comicon International presented Drew with the 2010 Inkpot award for outstanding achievement in illustration. If you aren’t familiar with Drew, and wonder why he received such a prestigious award, close your eyes and imagine your favorite movie poster. Chances are, Drew painted it! Whether it’s The Goonies, E.T.
, Indiana Jones
, Star Wars
, The Muppet Movies
, or Police Academy
, from the 70s through present day, Drew has been the brush that brought the movies to life. There are several books on his work you can check out, including my favorite, Oeuvre
Drew has been a dear friend and the single strongest inspiration in my life, and it was an honor to be at the panel to see both the award, and the sneak peek of the amazing documentary on his career.
For those of you who got to share that experience, you may have noticed my appearance in the documentary! Again, an amazing honor to be able to talk about the life and work of my favorite artist. I have had the great fortune of Drew’s talent gracing many of my projects, and it was so much fun to share the stories about how each piece cam to be. Everyone has a favorite Drew poster, and it is always so difficult to choose. I’m constantly torn between the classics, like Back to the Future, or one of my own, such as Labou
! But if I had to pick a piece to share right now, I would go with a rare life perk: Drew’s drawing of ME sculpting with E.T.!!! This was a comp for the Legends in 3 Dimensions box art for the E.T. bust I did. The product never got released, so this painting was never finished. But the 8 year old me will always be overjoyed every time I look at this drawing. Drew’s art has an amazing way of merging reality and fantasy. This black and white pencil sketch makes me believe I actually spent time in the woods with a being from another world…
Comicon fail #4: So this isn’t the fail of any of the people involved, and I don’t have enough of the facts to accuse Comicon of wrong doing, but I do know that for most of the year, The Guild was planning an elaborate con presence due to the fact that they had secured more booth space than in previous years. We were all very excited, and I was involved in numerous conversations about possible prop and product displays, and creating a more fan interactive show experience. All of that was tossed out a few short weeks before the con when SDCC told The Guildthat they needed to reduce their space due to over extended demand on the priority listings or some such thing.
On load in day, somehow they worked out how to display everyone’s merchandise in the cramped quarters, and Jamie & crew were very patient during the 4 hours+ of signings each day where as many as 9 of us crammed into the 10x10 booth to sign on an 8 foot table.
Comicon highlight #5: Of course, all of that was forgotten because the fans made everything so worthwhile! None of them seemed to mind waiting in line for hours to met Felicia and the cast. People were excited to be able to get CheeseyBeard’s t-shirts, The Guild DVDS, and @JeffCarlisle prints! Over the course of the weekend, Felicia must have signed more than a thousand autographs! The turnout for The Guild was unbelievable, and I was, and am, so very proud to have been a part of that this year. People asked me questions all week about the season and the music video, Game On, which I will blog about next, and everyone was so excited about what was coming up. At the end of the day, no form of entertainment can survive without the fans, and it was awesome to meet so many of them.
The booth was a great place to interact with everyone involved in the Guild and Legend of Neil, cast, crew, and fan alike. Here’s me mid conversation with Jeff Lewis and Sean Becker, two of the most brilliant minds you could ever come across. I also had the pleasure of talking shop with costumer @LisaPieces, Babylon 5 with Fandomania.com co-host Celeste Monsour (@celestemm), plotting and scheming with cosplay queen @GinnyMcQueen, and geeking out over Tron
toys with the infamous Kenny Mittleider (@geekyfanboy).

Comicon fail #5: There were sooooooo many people I wanted to spend some time with during the con. At the top of that list is my good friend Matt Hawkins, president of Top Cow. Back in the day, Matt and I had our own company studio together, Action Toys, which published comics such as Lady Pendragon , Blue
, and AlleyCat. We used to spend the entire convention season side by side, hitting every con, big or small, across the country and a few times, around the world! Now we are both so busy we don’t even get to hang out in San Diego unless we are both guests to the same event! And, unfortunately, that didn’t happen this year. Our schedules conflicted at every opportunity. I passed by the Top Cow booth a few times on my way across the hall, in hopes that there might be an open moment to catch up. But Matt was permanently stuck in his meeting box! We did finally get to share a quick lunch (in the meeting box) which almost made me late to the Guild panel! But it was nice to catch up, and I promised I would get down to the TC office for more in-depth conversation. Hopefully we will do more projects together in the future, as we always had a good time in the past. But next year, I’m booking time in advance!
Comicon highlight #6: Anything I got to do with Director Sean Becker! I definitely got to spend some quality time with my buddy Sean, who truly is a huge comic book fan! Even if there weren’t thousands of fans that wanted to meet him and talk about the Guild, Sean would be at Comicon just to keep up to date with all the new art and stories. And collect a few new Boba Fett pieces along the way! I thought this Star Wars display was the perfect place to catch a photo of him in a 1977 action stance!

One of the top highlights of the con this year was being able to sit in on the Guild signings, autographing the Team Cawkes posters I painted. Sean and I started off the line, and got to answer for each other the 100 times people asked, “Who are you on the show?”
And hopefully you got your signed TEAM FAWKES poster! If not, they will be available online soon.
Comicon fail #6: Not enough swag L. A few days before leaving for San Diego, Felicia text me this photo of the 2,000 buttons that were just delivered to her for give-aways at the Guild Panel. I realized a few days ago that besides the one I got at the panel, I didn’t any others! Then I realized, I hardly had any stuff from the con! I was so busy with business, I hardly got time to check out all the cool stuff at the show. I definitely got to walk the hall, but I was always on a mission to get somewhere, and although I did purchase stuff that jumped out at me, I didn’t really get to comb through all the hidden treasures. I’d love to hear what people think about the size of the show. I mean, is it possible for anyone to see everything? I guess that’s what makes it so exciting. It truly is a treasure hunt!

Comicon highlight #7: The Guild and Legend of Neil weren’t the only things I participated in at this years con. I also got to build the Gears of War booth for Microsoft. It was a sort of “photo booth” where viewers got a sneak peek at new in-game footage while their reactions where being filmed for a promotional trailer.

The project was very last minute, so I had to work double time to get it to San Diego on time. For durability and efficiency, I made the entire frame out of 2” aluminum speedrail. The booth section was sheeted in luan, then laminated with several inches of Styrofoam that I carved into and hard coated with resin.

The entire thing was painted to look metallic and rusty. The camera section was curtained in, and we made a secondary curtain that was sceniced to look as war torn as the metal. Kirsten Larson, Bryan Fulk, and Nick Carmichael help me jam the whole booth out in less than a week, then we packed it up wet and headed south!
Comicon fail #7: The paint was totally dry by the time I arrived at the convention center, but that could be because it took about 5 hours to get there! Even though it was Wednesday, all routes from LA to SD where jammed packed. I was able to get the booth set up really quick, thanks to the speedrail frame, but I still ended up working until 11pm, and missed my dinner with Rod Roddenberry. He totally understood, but it was still awkward being as I was crashing at his house that night! The Roddenberry Dive Team was having their annual Comicon dive at 5am the following morning, so I arrived to a sleeping house and had to tip toe to the guest room. I was totally bummed I didn’t get to hang out with Rod and the gang. And on top of that, I was wearing a Star Wars t-shirt! The morning was much more pleasant, as I awoke to the smell of breakfast and found Kelly Hu ( X-Men , The Scorpion King
) in the kitchen! She was staying with the Roddenberry’s for the weekend to host a charity event for the dive team. We hadn’t seen each other for a while, so it was great to catch up. Kind of the perfect comicon morning, if you think about it!

But the G.O.W. booth would come back to haunt me! Xbox neglected to tell me that they had a Saturday night load out! I assumed it was Sunday, like everybody else, when the day would be all about loading out. I never imaged that it would be during the biggest night of parties and events during the con!!! So if you were wondering where I was that night, I was waiting for access to a freight elevator until 2am! Checks and balances, I guess…
Comicon highlight #8: Getting to see so many cosplayers recreating things I designed! It’s always fun to see cosplayers in general, but when someone takes the time to emulate something that came from your imagination, it is really special. I see a lot of that with the Guild fans. I can’t imagine how Felicia feels, with so many amazing Codexs walking around. Codex is like the new Slave Leia! What never ceases to impress me is the level of detail the Guild fans go to. Having built the original Avatar weapons, I know every line and form intimately. So it blows my mind when I see a fan made weapon that is exactly like, or better than, mine! Which is every time I see one. You guys are amazing. But my favorite Guild cosplay this year at Comicon has to be @marissacuevas as B!TCH KAT! Here she is with Codex and Tink!

Wondering how B!TCH KAT! fits into the Guild Universe? Well, she is a character I created so there could be a “franchise” type icon in Tink’s room, something Tink is a fan of that can appear in different scenes and be easily identified. Felicia’s original request was “something like Hello Kitty”, but I figured it had to have a little more edge. I tried to take some of the broader strokes of Tink’s personality in the show and build a cartoon character around them, and hence came up with B!TCH KAT!

She pops up a few times during season 4. Next time you watch the episodes, keep an eye out for her in Tink’s room!

It was great to see Marissa portray the character. She even went to the Guild panel like that. It’s a pretty underground thing, so you could really tell the hard-core Guild fans when they recognized her. And everyone wanted a picture. Even celebrities! Here she is with Aaron Yonda and Matt Sloan, the creators/stars of B!TCH KAT’s favorite web series, CHAD VADER!

Comicon fail 8: Well, I’m really stretching for these fails! I guess that just shows how great the con was this year. But as my last regret during such a fun filled weekend, I wish I had been able to spend more time with my partner Sheri Bryant. We actually met at comicon 10 years ago, and our common interests lead us to form Dog & Rooster Productions. We usually try to spend at least a day together at the con, scouting the floor for new projects, ideas, and of course, toys! But this year we both got overbooked on separate agendas, and barely got to see each other. Sheri’s main focus this year was to promote our latest feature, "How to Make Love to a Woman" , which just became available on DVD, bluray, and Netflix! Please check it out!

So that wraps up my comicon blog. I hope you enjoyed the show if you attended, and if you couldn’t make it, I hope this blog gave you some insight to what was going on there. I’m sad that another year is passed, it was just so much fun.

I look forward to next year, and I hope to see you there!
OMG, it all sounds so cool! I am planning to fly in for it next year so any tips would be greatly appreciated :) Thanx for the great photos also, the Boba Fett thing was hilarious!
ReplyDeletelooks awesome,great photos. I'm thinking about going next year.